I'm running it through the livewires wrapper which is just training wheels for pygame and other python modules in general; but everytime I run it, it'll execute and when I try to exit, it will not respond and then crash.
Any input on how I could go about fixing this would be great. There isn't any input in my textbook and all google seems to yield are results to this problem using pygame itself.
Apparently pygame and Tkinter seem to conflict?
Thanks in advance!
Addendum - This is the code I was trying to run:
from livewires import games
screen_w = 640
screen_h = 480
my_screen = games.Screen (wid, heit)
Similar question: Pygame screen freezes when I close it
There isn't any input in my textbook and all google seems to yield are results to this problem using pygame itself.
Those results probably address the same problem you're having. This is the relevant part of the games.py file from livewires, and nowhere does it call pygame.quit()
def handle_events (self):
If you override this method in a subclass of the Screen
class, you can specify how to handle different kinds of
events. However you must handle the quit condition!
events = pygame.event.get ()
for event in events:
if event.type == QUIT:
self.quit ()
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
self.keypress (event.key)
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
self.mouse_up (event.pos, event.button-1)
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
self.mouse_down (event.pos, event.button-1)
def quit (self):
Calling this method will stop the main loop from running and
make the graphics window disappear.
self._exit = 1
def mainloop (self, fps = 50):
Run the pygame main loop. This will animate the objects on the
screen and call their tick methods every tick.
fps -- target frame rate
self._exit = 0
while not self._exit:
self._wait_frame (fps)
for object in self._objects:
if not object._static:
object._erase ()
object._dirty = 1
# Take a copy of the _objects list as it may get changed in place.
for object in self._objects [:]:
if object._tickable: object._tick ()
self.tick ()
if Screen.got_statics:
for object in self._objects:
if not object._static:
for o in object.overlapping_objects ():
if o._static and not o._dirty:
o._erase ()
o._dirty = 1
for object in self._objects:
if object._dirty:
object._draw ()
object._dirty = 0
# Throw away any pending events.
The QUIT event just sets a flag which drops you out of the while loop in the mainloop
function. I'm guessing that if you find this file in your Python directory and stick a pygame.quit()
after the last line in mainloop
, it will solve your problem.