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Adding stars on p-values in tab_df

I have done an ANOVA test on ordinal logistic regression, and I'm trying to export the results in Word, but tab_df doesn't print stars on p-values. How can I add stars to p-values? This is the code:

parallel.model<- polr(ordD9~ D1d+D1+D7+D8+D10+D12+D13+D15+D16+D17+D5_3+MODOINT,data=dati2,Hess = T)



tab_df(v,title = "Anova on parallel.model",
       digits = 3, = "stars",file = "bbb2.doc", encoding = "Windows-1252")


  • you should explicitly add the stars as tab_df doesn't use the params:

    signif <- symnum(an$`Pr(>F)`, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, 
                      cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), 
                      symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
    an$`Pr(>F)`<- paste0(round(an$`Pr(>F)`, 3), format(signif))
    tab_df(v, title = "Anova on parallel.model", footnote=paste0('Legend : ', attr(signif, "legend")), 
            show.footnote = TRUE, digits = 3, file = "bbb2.doc", encoding = "Windows-1252")