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Groovy SwingBuilder : using a scrollpanel to show a list of panels

I would like to show a list of panels containing components, i.e a checkbox, labels, buttons, all on the same horizontal line; each panel represents one set of components to display information for one item. I need to put the list of panels (number undetermined) inside a scrollpanel to fit within the main panel height.

I can't seem to find a solution for mixing scrollpanel and panels with components.

I'd like to get this result :

scrollpanel {

  • checkbox | item1 | button1 | button1 | label1 | label1
  • checkbox | item2 | button2 | button2 | label2 | label2
  • checkbox | item3 | button3 | button3 | label3 | label3

    [ ... ]


There is a working example of what I have currently shown here : Groovy SwingBuilder : button to change the color of a panel

There, you can see there are 6 items, each one with their respective components relating to it. Now if I wanted to display 60 items instead of 6, the frame would expand to fit them but exceed the screen size.

I seems so obvious to me that kind of a "scrollpanel" would do the job, but I can't get it working, although I checked all examples on the Java tutorials and the related questions here.

tia. Michel


  • You can put the panels inside a vbox, which in-turn you put inside a scrollPane.

    Taking the code from the previous question, you end up with something like this:

    import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
    import javax.swing.WindowConstants as WC
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane
    import javax.swing.BoxLayout as BXL
    int numPanels = 20
    swing = new SwingBuilder()
    frame = swing.frame(title:'test', pack:true, visible:true, defaultCloseOperation:WC.HIDE_ON_CLOSE) {
        scrollPane( verticalScrollBarPolicy:JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS ) {
          vbox {
            (1..numPanels).each { num ->
              def panelID = "panel$num"
              def pane = panel( alignmentX:0f, id:panelID, background:java.awt.Color.GREEN ) {
                textField( id: "description$num", text:panelID, columns: 70 )
                button( id: "buttonpanel$num", text:panelID, actionPerformed:{
                  swing."$panelID".background = java.awt.Color.RED
                } )
        boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS)
        panel(id:'secondPanel' , alignmentX: 0f){                       
          button('Quit', actionPerformed:{
            frame.visible = false
    frame.size = [ frame.width, 600 ]