In chapter 8 of Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstader, the reader is challenged to translate these 2 statements into TNT:
"b is a power of 2"
"b is a power of 10"
Are following answers correct?:
(Assuming '∃' to mean 'there exists a number'):
∃x:(x.x = b)
i.e. "there exists a number 'x' such that x multiplied x equals b"
If that is correct, then the next one is equally trivial:
∃x:(x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x = b)
I'm confused because the author indicates that they are tricky and that the second one should take hours to solve; I must have missed something obvious here, but I can't see it!
Your expressions are equivalent to the statements "b is a square number" and "b is the 10th power of a number" respectively. Converting "power of" statements into TNT is considerably trickier.