Say I have an array Y of size (n x m_1 x m_2 x m_3). If I want the first sub-array of size (m_1 x m_2 x m_3) I can choose it using commas as
Similarly, if Y is of size (n x m_1 x m_2 x m_3 x m_4) and I want the first sub-array of size (m_1 x m_2 x m_3 x m_4), I can choose it using commas as
In general, if Y is an array of size (n x m_1 x m_2 x ... x m_p) and I want the first sub-array of size (m_1 x m_2 x ... x m_p), I can choose it as
where ,,..., means p different commas. If p is known, how can I write the p commas?
A simple solution is
However, this is inefficient code (Y is potentially massive, and I prefer not to transform it to a matrix to then transform it back to an array)
You can always build an expression as text and evaluate it later. In your case, you can use strrep(",", p)
to repeat "," p times, then use str2expression()
to transform it into an expression that can be evaluated. If you put it in a function:
slice_first_dimension <- function(arr){
p <- length(dim(Y))
eval(str2expression(paste0("arr[1",strrep(",", p-1),"]")))
Y <- array(1:8, dim=c(2,2,2))
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 1 5
#> [2,] 3 7