Search code examples how to add snackbar callback

How can I add a callback to a snackbar in c#? I found the way to do it but in java How can I be notified when a Snackbar has dismissed itself?

I tried to do the same in c#

 snackBar.AddCallback(new Snackbar.Callback

I did find out that exists in snackbar callback class, but unfortunately I didn't find any info in xamarin docs about it.

      [Register("onDismissed", "(Landroid/support/design/widget/Snackbar;I)V", "GetOnDismissed_Landroid_support_design_widget_Snackbar_IHandler")]
      public virtual void OnDismissed(Snackbar transientBottomBar, int e);


  • You could define a CallBack first,then use AddCallBack method.

    class MySnackCallBack : BaseTransientBottomBar.BaseCallback
            public override void OnDismissed(Java.Lang.Object transientBottomBar, int e)
                base.OnDismissed(transientBottomBar, e);
            public override void OnShown(Java.Lang.Object transientBottomBar)
    Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.Make(view, message, Snackbar.LengthShort);
    snackbar.AddCallback(new MySnackCallBack());