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Plotting coordinates in folium from pandas dataframe

I am having trouble plotting coordinates from the values found in my data frame onto my folium map. All questions & answers I have searched on StackOverflow show people using the exact same process as me to achieve their results however mine produces an error. Anybody have any ideas why I am receiving this error? Below is my data frame, my code for plotting the points, and the unusual error.

Dataframe Data frame


for animal in animals:
    url = '{}'.format
    icon_image = url(animals['image'])
    icon = folium.features.CustomIcon(f"{animals['image']}", icon_size=(30,30))
        location = [animals['lat'], animals['lon']],
        icon = icon,


ValueError: Location should consist of two numerical values, but 0     21.0
1     34.0
2     -6.0
3     21.0
4     -3.0
5     29.0
6     -3.0
7    -14.0
8    -18.0
9    -22.0
10    27.0
11    77.0
Name: lat, dtype: float64 of type <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> is not convertible to float.

As you can see, cannot convert float to float is baffling me.
Any ideas as to how to overcome this would be great, thanks.


  • The Location Parameter only gets a list or tuple with two values,

    location (tuple or list, default None) – Latitude and Longitude of Map (Northing, Easting).

    you're giving it a list of values. For example, to pass only two values

    import folium
    m = folium.Map(location=[45.5236, -122.6750])