I'm a little confused on how to use the text_transform
and local_image
function in the gt
package to insert images into a data cell
I have a series of about a dozen .png files with the graphics I'd like to insert. They have names like CA.png, UT.png, OH.png etc. for state abbreviations. They are all together in a local folder.
So given a basic table like
Column_one <- c("CA", "UT", "OH")
column_two <- c(NA, NA, NA) #placeholder for graphics
dashboard.data <- data.frame(column_one, column_two, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(dashboard.data)[1] <- "State"
names(dashboard.data)[2] <- "IncidenceGauge"
dboard3 <- dashboard.data %>% gt() %>%
title = md("**Big Title**"),
subtitle = md("*Subtitle*")
) %>%
cols_label(IncidenceGauge = "Risk Level") %>%
How would I go about getting the png files loaded into the corresponding rows in column two?
This could be achieved via gt
functions text_transform
and local_image
like so:
transforms the content of a column put the filenames in your second column..fn
pass a function to text_transform
to loop over the column elements, loads and transforms the images via local_image
and returns a character vector.Making use of purrr
and ggplot2
the following code first makes some example ggplots saves them as png and finally adds them to your second column:
# Let's make some pngs
mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
map(~ ggplot(.x, aes(hp, mpg, color = factor(gear))) + geom_point()) %>%
set_names(c("CA", "UT", "OH")) %>%
iwalk(~ ggsave(paste0(.y, ".png"), .x))
column_one <- c("CA", "UT", "OH")
# Put the filenames in the column
column_two <- c("CA", "UT", "OH")
dashboard.data <- data.frame(column_one, column_two, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(dashboard.data)[1] <- "State"
names(dashboard.data)[2] <- "IncidenceGauge"
dboard3 <- dashboard.data %>%
gt() %>%
title = md("**Big Title**"),
subtitle = md("*Subtitle*")
) %>%
locations = cells_body(vars(IncidenceGauge)),
fn = function(x) {
# loop over the elements of the column
map_chr(x, ~ local_image(
filename = paste0(.x, ".png"),
height = 100
}) %>%
cols_label(IncidenceGauge = "Risk Level")