so far in my code bellow I managed to store my data into mongoDB. Now I want to be able to retrieve the data I have stored. As you can see I have been trying but keep on getting an error. With BSON do I have to first decode the data to retrieve it from mongoDB? Any help would be greatly appreciated! (Apologies for the messy code, I am just practicing through trial and error)
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.binary import Binary
import pickle
#Do this for each
client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
db = client['datacampdb']
coll = db.personpractice4_collection #creating a collection in the database
#my collection on the database is called personpractice4_collection
class Person:
def __init__(self, norwegian, dame, brit, german, sweed):
self.__norwegian = norwegian
self.__dame = dame
self.__brit = brit
self.__german = german #private variable
self.__sweed = sweed
# create getters and setters later to make OOP
personone = Person("norwegian", "dame", "brit", "german","sweed")
class PersonpracticeEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
return o.__dict__
#Encode Person Object into JSON"
personpracticeJson = json.dumps(personone, indent=4, cls=PersonpracticeEncoder)
practicedata = pickle.dumps(personpracticeJson)
coll.insert_one({'bin-data': Binary(practicedata)})
#print(db.list_collection_names()) #get then names of my collections in DB
#retriving data from mongodb
#Retrieving a Single Document with find_one()
print(({'bin-data': Binary(practicedata)}).find_one()) #not working
the find_one
method should be called on a collection
{'bin-data': Binary(practicedata)}
is a query to find a document
coll.find_one({'bin-data': Binary(practicedata)})
Witch means : Find a document in the collection coll
where bin-data
is equal to Binary(practicedata)