I have the following table
User A | User B | Value
1 | 2 | 60
3 | 1 | 10
4 | 5 | 50
3 | 5 | 50
5 | 1 | 80
2 | 3 | 10
I want group together records where either user a = x or user b = x, in order to find averages.
e.g. User 1 appears in the table 3 times, once as 'User A' and twice as 'User B'. So I would want to carry out my AVG()
function using those three rows.
I need the highest and lowest average values. Such a query would break down the above table into the following groups:
User | Avg Value
1 | 50
2 | 35
3 | 23.33
4 | 50
5 | 60
and then return
Highest Avg | Lowest Avg
60 | 23.33
I know that GROUP BY
collects together records where a column has the same value. I want to collect together records where either one of two columns has the same value. I have searched through many solutions but can't seem to find one that meets my problem.
A portable option uses union all
select usr, avg(value) avg_value
from (
select usera usr, value from mytable
union all select userb, value from mytable
) t
group by usr
This gives you the first resultset. Then, you can add another level of aggregataion to get the maximum and minimum average:
select min(avg_value) min_avg_value, max(avg_value) max_avg_value
from (
select usr, avg(value) avg_value
from (
select usera usr, value from mytable
union all select userb, value from mytable
) t
group by usr
) t
In databases that support lateral joins and values()
, this is most convinently (and efficiently) expressed as follows:
select min(avg_value) min_avg_value, max(avg_value) max_avg_value
from (
select usr, avg(value) avg_value
from mytable t
cross join lateral (values (usera, value), (userb, value)) as x(usr, value)
group by usr
) t
This would work in Postgres for example. In SQL Server, you would just replace cross join lateral
with cross apply