I'm building a Tic Tac Toe game as practice for an intro-to-Python course I'm taking on Udemy. I have a series of functions built right now but I can't get two of them to work together. When I run these two functions I get an error saying the first_player
is undefined. However, first_player
is defined in the first function. Does anyone know why Python won't recognize what first_player
is in the second function?
If these functions work correctly I'd expect it to as the first player if he/she wants to be X's or O's and then have Python assign X's or O's to player 1 and player 1.
In the choose_first player()
I've tried printing out the first_player
variable and it prints correctly.
The code I'm using is below:
#Randomly chooses which player goes first.
def choose_first_player():
import random
first_player = (str(random.randint(1,2)))
if first_player == '1':
print("\nPlayer " +first_player+ " goes first.")
if first_player == '2':
print("\nPlayer " +first_player+ " goes first.")
#Asks first_player if they want to be X's or O's.
def player_input():
marker = ''
while marker != 'X' and marker != 'O':
marker = input("\nPlayer" +first_player+ " , do you want to be X's or O's? Please enter X or O: ").upper()
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'X':
player2 = 'O'
player2 = 'X'
player1 = 'O'
print("\nPlayer 1 is: " + player1)
print("Player 2 is: " + player2)
You can't access the variable of another function. (or you have to define it as a global variable)
can return the value of first_player
and then you can pass it to the other function.
And do something like this :
def choose_first_player():
return first_player
first_player = choose_first_player()
def player_input(first_player):
Here you can read more on python scopes