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Does gevent monkey patched Queue.put yield (context switch)?

import gevent.monkey
import gevent
from queue import Queue
import random
import time

def getter(q):
    while True:
        v = q.get()
        print(f'got {v}')

def putter(q):
    while True:
        print(f'start putting')
        v = int(random.random() * 1000)
        # `put_nowait` also seems to yield
        # q.put(v)
        print(f'done putting with {v}')

        if random.random() < 0.5:

queue = Queue()

gevent.spawn(getter, queue)
gevent.spawn(putter, queue)


Doesn't matter if I use queue.put or queue.put_nowait, I saw logs like

# start putting
# got 25
# getting
# done putting with 535

Does that suggest gevent might do context switch each time it executes queue.put?


I modified the code a bit

flag = True

def getter(q):
    while True:
        global flag
        flag = False
        v = q.get()
        print(f'got {v}')

def putter(q):
    v = 0
    while True:
        print(f'start putting {v}')
        global flag
        flag = True
        # `put_nowait` also seems to yield
        # q.put(v)
        if not flag:
            raise Exception('yield happened')

        print(f'done putting with {v}')
        v += 1

        # If I sleep with non-zero, the above seems to only yield once at the beginning.
        # time.sleep(0.000001)

queue = Queue()

def myTracer(event, args):
    src, target = args
    if event == "switch":
        # print("from %s switch to %s" % (src, target))
        # Print to stdout like the rest of the code. Otherwise the order of stdout & stderr is not guaranteed.
    elif event == "throw":
        print("from %s throw exception to %s" % (src, target))

# greenlet.settrace(myTracer)

gevent.spawn(getter, queue)

With patched Python Queue,

  • If I sleep(0), it might do context switch.
  • If I sleep(0.0000001), it only yield once at the beginning.
  • If I don't sleep at all, it only yield once at the beginning, and the getter doesn't have a chance to run afterwards.

Looking at the stack trace, I found Queue.put calls notify, which calls lock.acquire(0). It was then patched so that it calls sleep() in gevent/

If I use gevent.queue.Queue instead of Python Queue, it doesn't seem to do context switch.


  • You can use greenlet.settrace with a callback function to detect context switches.
    Adding that to your code shows that both put and put_nowait do context switches.

    def myTracer(event, args):
        src, target = args
        if event == "switch":
            print("from %s switch to %s" % (src, target))
        elif event == "throw":
            print("from %s throw exception to %s" % (src, target))
    queue = Queue()
    gevent.spawn(getter, queue)
    gevent.spawn(putter, queue)

    You gonna see a lot of 'switching' debug messages in stdout:

    done putting with 106
    start putting
    from <Greenlet at 0x10418e150: putter(<queue.Queue object at 0x1034d9460>)> switch to <Hub '' at 0x10416a400 select default pending=0 ref=3 thread_ident=0x106d15dc0>
    from <Hub '' at 0x10416a400 select default pending=0 ref=1 thread_ident=0x106d15dc0> switch to <Greenlet at 0x10418e150: putter(<queue.Queue object at 0x1034d9460>)>
    done putting with 487
    start putting


    I am using Python3.8 and gevent==20.9.0. When testing I removed the whole if-condition if random.random() ..., but piping stdout to a file and searching for getter context switches and getting both are present in stdout.

    I didn't investigate further, but if you have a look at the source code you can see there is an explicit call getter.switch(getter) probably that's what's causing the context switches.