I want to use OpenCV on Julia, then I tried to use PyCall.
I made my Python environment by pyenv, therefore, I tried below commands;
julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = "/Users/MYNAME/.pyenv/shims/python"
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("PyCall")
Then, I tried a below command and this error message was returned.
julia> using PyCall
ImportError: No module named site
This error message is too short to infer causes. Anyone knows the causes and how to solve?
is tested with Anaconda and it works best with the Anaconda installation inbuilt into Julia.
using Pkg
#ENV["PYTHON"] = ""
pkg"add PyCall"
#pkg"build PyCall" #required to restore the default config if you changed it
pkg"add Conda"
using Conda
Conda.runconda(`install -c conda-forge opencv`)
using PyCall
const cv = pyimport("cv2")
Now you are ready to do your work.