I'd like to use the PlantUML syntax to define component structures, which I want to process in an own tool. However, I'd like to avoid having to write a PlantUML parser. Is there some sort of intermediate representation in PlantUML, which I could use for that? It would be perfect to have e.g. a JSON structure which contains all diagram objects and relations among them in a concise way.
I could not find anything in the docs, maybe someone with more insights in the project can help?
As Jean-Marc Volle pointed out, the project github.com/jupe/puml2code allows to process puml files and generate source code in different languages using handlebar templates. Currently the code generation is limited to classes in a puml file.
I have used puml2code as a starting point for a new project github.com/robbito/puml2json, which simplifies the process a bit, as it doesn't require handlebar. Json ist directly generated from the PlantUML code. puml2json currenlty also only supports a subset of PlantUML.