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System.Net.WebSockets leaving sockets in close_wait after disconnect

I'm having issues closing a System.Net.WebSockets connection properly.

After some googling even found someone that explained how to do it properly, but his own samples leave the socket in close_wait.

I'll use that persons samples as his explanation was pretty good, the blogpost was here:

The samples on github here:

To reproduce, check out the git repo

Build the client and server app using System.Net.WebSockets:

dotnet build ./WebSocketExample/WebSocketExample.csproj
dotnet build ./WebSocketClient/WebSocketClient.csproj 

Run them:


I'm running this on linux, so watching for the sockets like this:

watch -n 2 'netstat -anp | grep ":8080" | grep "CLOSE_WAIT"'

Now, on the client, press ESC and a CLOSE_WAIT socket will show up.
This wouldn't be an issue if there were just a couple of connections, but when talking about hundreds/thousands we'll run into resource limitations.

I know that the close_wait means that the client connection has sent it's close (FIN) and it's now up to the server to clean up/close the socket.

What's wrong in this sample that the connections are not closed/cleaned up properly?


Some additional info, tried an implementation of System.Net.WebSockets that I found on github and that one does seem to work as expected:

I'd rather use the one in .net core, less code to maintain


  • Found a workaround for when using System.Net.WebSockets on the .net core github issue tracker.

    Discussed here:

    Solution seems to be:

    var context = listener.GetContext();
    var res = context.Response;
    res.StatusCode = 200;
    res.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    res.Close();    // the magic

    Says it's fixed, don't think it is fully fixed as currently running .net core 3.1 and without doing this a lot of sockets stay in close_wait for a while.