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Enhanced Ecommerce List Attribution don't work with Measurement Protocol HTTP Request

I'm sending Enhanced Ecommerce Purchase events through Measurement Protocol HTTP Requests and the Enhanced Ecommerce Reports are being populated with the exception of the Product List Performance. Investigating I found out that all hits are being attributed to Returning Users, but comparing with my Prod View I know that at least 40% are from New Users. I'm sending Queue Time Parameter and I supposed that the hit would be attached to the preview session, but it's not.

My hits are built through GA's raw data storage in Bigquery. I have a checkout-success event from which I get the clientId and the hit time. I cross this data with our internal purchase data and then build the request and send it. Briefly.

My hit have the parameters bellow:

&v          =   1
&t          =   'event'
&tid        =   'UA-XXXXXX'
&ni         =   1
&de         =   'UTF-8'
&cid        =   clientId
&uid        =   id_sso
&cn         =   campaign
&cm         =   medium
&cs         =   source
&ds         =   DeviceType
&dl         =   DocumentLocationURL 
&dt         =   PageTitle
&ul         =   locale_ul
&cd78       =   1
&cd80       =   'bigquery'
&ec         =   'Ecommerce MP'
&ea         =   'Purchase MP'
&pa         =   'purchase'
&ti         =   order_id
&tr         =   OperatingIncome
&cu         =   currency_sold
&pr1id      =   skuGeneric
&pr1nm      =   OfferTitleExhibition
&pr1va      =   offer_option_id
&pr1qt      =   offer_option_qty_dailies
&pr1pr      =   UnitPrice
&pr1ca      =   Categories
&qt         =   qt

I already compared the data I'm sending to validate the time limitations of Queue Time and the time difference between the original hit and the measurement hit is not the problem.

What I'm missing to not get the List Attribution?


  • First, it looks like you're sending UTC timestamp value as qt parameter instead of sending a time delta (in milliseconds) value. Second, you don't need to send campaign/source/medium parameters if you're not going to assign this hit to a particular campaign.