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Can't inject services into Angular entry components (Modal)

I'm working on an Angular app where I have a material modal (entry component), I want to inject my AuthService and my ngrx store into that modal but whenever I open the modal I get those errors

core.js:4352 ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError[AuthService -> AuthService -> Store -> Store -> Store]: 
  NullInjectorError: No provider for Store!

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'focusInitialElementWhenReady' of undefined

what should I do ?


  • NullInjectorError almost always mean, that you are missing some imports in your app or component module. In your case, the Store is missing. Best solution would be to provide the StoreModule in the AppModule:

      imports: [
        // more imports
        StoreModule.forRoot() <--
      // more stuff
    export class AppModule {}