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Cygwin crontab navigate to phpwebpage

I'm trying execute the following in crontab: I want to open internet explorer (because it's the only browser installed on the system) and let it navigate to a webpage so a phpscript is executed. After a few minutes I want to execute a script that closes the internet explorer process. (Because I don't want it to hog up memory as more browsers will be opened during the day).

Is this possible in cygwin?


  • Yes it is possible! :-)

    In crontab, set this (adjust the times according to how much it should run):

    * * * * * '/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe'

    Create a batch script, put it somewhere, let's say in c:\scripts\killIE.bat with the following content:

    TASKKILL /F /FI "USERNAME eq [username]" /IM iexplore.exe

    (replace [username] with your username.

    Let it run every hour or w/e you want:

    0 * * * * '/cygdrive/c/scripts/killIE.bat'