My main file to generate has these import
import "protos/google_annotations.proto";
import "protos/nakama_annotations.proto";
import "protos/nakama_api.proto";
The folder structure :
├── lib
├── protos
├── google_annotations.proto
├── nakama_annotations.proto
├── nakama_api.proto
├── apigrpc.proto <--- this is the file to generate.
The highlight syntax is ok.(Android studio)
The 2 cases that i got error are :
Command run in protos
Run protoc apigrpc.proto --java_out=. --proto_path=.
Get this error
protos/google_annotations.proto: File not found.
protos/nakama_annotations.proto: File not found.
protos/nakama_api.proto: File not found.
Command run in protos
protoc apigrpc.proto --java_out=. --proto_path=google_annotations.proto --proto_path=nakama_annotations.proto --proto_path=nakama_api.proto
Get this error apigrpc.proto: File does not reside within any path specified using --proto_path
What did i do wrong?
I just found what's wrong. It's about import
I have to remove the prefex protos
because the import file is in the same level of directory.
So the import become this :
import "google_annotations.proto";
import "nakama_annotations.proto";
import "nakama_api.proto";
The reason that I put protos
in front before because the Android Studio plugin doesn't show red highlight when I put like that. Now After remove that, it highlight red, but it works.