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What is the best way to reject duplicates in a sorted doubly linked list

I am trying to make a sorted doubly linked list that doesn't insert duplicates, but I am having trouble finding a way to do this. I looked at posts on how to remove duplicates, but no posts on preventing duplicate insertions.

Here is the code I have to insert and sort without rejecting duplicates. The parameter, dataIn takes values from a predefined Student object list in main (Student s = {{gpa, name}, ..., {gpa, name}}:

void StudentList::insertNode(Student dataIn)
    ListNode *newNode; // A new node pointer
    ListNode *pCur; // To traverse the list
    // Allocate a new node and store num there.
    newNode = new ListNode;
    newNode->stu = dataIn;
    newNode->forw = NULL;
    newNode->back = NULL;
    //Check if there is node in list
    if(head ->forw == NULL && head->back == NULL){
        head->forw = newNode;
        newNode->back = head;
        newNode->forw = head;
        head->back = newNode;
        // Initialize pointers
        pCur = head->forw;
        // Find location: skip all nodes whose name is less than dataIn's name
        while (pCur != head && pCur-> <
            pCur = pCur->forw;
        // Insert the new node between pPre and pCur
        ListNode *pPre = pCur->back; // The previous node
        newNode->back = pPre;
        newNode->forw = pCur;
        pCur->back = newNode;
        pPre->forw = newNode;
    // Update the counter

Does anyone know a way for rejecting duplicates without deleting? Thanks everyone!


  • What is the best way to reject duplicates in a sorted doubly linked list?

    I suggest delaying the creation of the new ListNode until you know that the new node isn't a duplicate.

    Assuming that the ListNode looks like this

    struct ListNode {        
        Student stu;
        ListNode *back;
        ListNode *forw;

    and that you have a head and tail ListNode* that is set to nullptr when the StudentList is empty, then the insertNode function could look like this:

    bool StudentList::insertNode(const Student& dataIn) { // return true if node is inserted
        ListNode* prev = nullptr;
        ListNode* pCur = head;
        // search for a good insertion spot
        for(; pCur; prev = pCur, pCur = pCur->forw) {
            if( == pCur-> return false; // equal, reject
            if( < pCur-> break;         // found a good spot before pCur
        // delayed creation until here:
        ListNode* newNode = new ListNode{dataIn, prev, pCur};
        // linking        
        if(prev) prev->forw = newNode;
        else head = newNode;
        if(pCur) pCur->back = newNode;
        else tail = newNode; // comment this line out if you don't have a "tail"
        return true; // node inserted