I am building the equivalent of a collection view with SwiftUI. I have been able to get the layout I want, however, I cannot make all images of the same height (let's say 100 pixels talk for example). How could I resize the images to to be 100 pixels tall with a contentAspectFill
(I don't care if images get cut off a little), but still maintain the leading and trailing boundaries.
ScrollView {
ForEach(newsArray, id:\.self) { article in
Button(action: {
//stuff here
}) {
NewsCard(article: article)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
WebImage(url: article.imageURL)
.cornerRadius(14.0, antialiased: true)
I am using SDWebImageUI for the Image fields, but that shouldn't matter. As you can see from my screenshot, not all of my images are uniform in height.
Not sure I understood what's bad here, but try the following
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
WebImage(url: article.imageURL)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: _your_desired_height_here) // <<