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Display DB value in table format using PowerShell - sqlplus command

I need to write a query to display multiple rows from DB in tabular format using PowerShell script (sqlplus command).

Database: Oracle 12c

I wrote the below query, but it returns single row value. How can I get all the data? I am not understanding how to implement for loop to access all rows.

Expected output:

enter image description here



  set echo off;
  set pagesize 0
  set head off;
  set feedback off;
  set pause off;
  set verify off;
  set trimspool on;
  set linesize 300;
  set colsep ,;
  set termout off;
 SELECT * FROM employees  where dept_id =30;

$output1 = $sql1 |sqlplus -silent $username/$password@$tnsalias 
$output2 =$output1.Split(",") 
              $sal= $output2[4]

               $HtmlTable3 += "<tr style='font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF'>
                              <td>"+ $eid +"</td>
                              <td>" + $first_nm + "</td>
                              <td>"+ $middl_nm +"</td>
                              <td>"+ $last_nm+"</td>
                              <td>"+ $sal +"</td>
                              </tr> "
           $HtmlTable3 +="</table> </div>"
           write-host $HtmlTable3


  • what about shifting HTML tags into SQL - like :

      set echo off;
      set pagesize 0
      set head off;
      set feedback off;
      set pause off;
      set verify off;
      set trimspool on;
      set linesize 300;
      set colsep ,;
      set termout off;
        '<tr style="font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF">'||
      FROM EMP where DEPTNO=30;
    $output1 = $sql1 |sqlplus -silent $username/$password@$tnsalias 
    $HtmlTable3 += "<table>"  
    $HtmlTable3 += $output1
    $HtmlTable3 += "</table>"
    write-host $HtmlTable3


    7499    ALLEN   SALESMAN    7698    20-FEB-81   1600    300     30
    7521    WARD    SALESMAN    7698    22-FEB-81   1250    500     30
    7654    MARTIN  SALESMAN    7698    28-SEP-81   1250    1400    30
    7698    BLAKE   MANAGER     7839    01-MAY-81   2850            30
    7844    TURNER  SALESMAN    7698    08-SEP-81   1500    0       30
    7900    JAMES   CLERK       7698    03-DEC-81   950             30