I have a dataset with 2 columns that are on a completely different scales.
I need to do a log transformation on both columns to be able to do some visualization on them.
I cannot find a code for python that allows me to do the log transformation on several columns.
Can anybody help me?
I have a dataset with Qualitative and Quantitative columns and I wish to do the log on The RealizedPL and Volume columns.
My dataset looks a bit like this:
Date Name Country Product RealizedPL Volume
0 2019.01.01 Charles Country1 ProductA 100 10200
1 2019.02.20 Pierre Country2 ProductB 150 20500
2 2019.03.02 Chiara Country1 ProductA 200 15300
How can I do the log transformation and keep the other columns as well? Either by creating new columns for the log or directly replacing the columns with the log.
Thank you
You may wish to try:
df[["RealizedPL","Volume"]] = df[["RealizedPL","Volume"]].apply(np.log)
Date Name Country Product RealizedPL Volume
0 2019.01.01 Charles Country1 ProductA 4.605170 9.230143
1 2019.02.20 Pierre Country2 ProductB 5.010635 9.928180
2 2019.03.02 Chiara Country1 ProductA 5.298317 9.635608
df[["RealizedPL_log", "Volume_log"]] = df[["RealizedPL","Volume"]].apply(np.log)
to have logs as separate columns.
Also note, if this is simply for visualization purposes, you may wish to try df.plot.scatter(..., logx=True, logy=True)