I am trying to connect thru beeline from Python script and run hql script. I am unable to run with subprocess.run or subprocess.popen. i am able to run it directly on command prompt
beeline_connect=str('"jdbc:hive2://;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice;principal=hive/[email protected]"')
#passing params as a list
param_list= ['beeline -u' + beeline_connection,'-hivevar', 'VAR1=val1', '-hivevar', 'VAR2=val2', '-hivevar', 'VAR3=val3', '-hivevar', 'VAR4=val4', '-hivevar', 'VAR5=val5', '-f', '/my/path/filename.hql']
command = subprocess.run(param_list, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = command.stdout
status = str(output.decode('utf-8'))
'****Its failed****, return code {1} with return count {2} :'.format(command.returncode, status))
if command.returncode > 0:
print('Job failed. Raising exception')
raise Exception('Job ' + job_name + ' failed')
## do something else###
#####i have also tried with shell=True and False both, and removing stdout
Its getting stuck forever, is there anything wrong with the way i am contacting my beeline command ? i have tried many combinations of below concatenation but no luck. any help would be much appreciable. thanks
param_list =['beeline', '-u' + beeline_connection...]
param_list =['beeline', '-u', beeline_connection....]
Changing the line of code as below has worked for me
param_list= ['beeline', '-u',beeline_connection,'-hivevar', 'VAR1=val1', '-hivevar', 'VAR2=val2', '-hivevar', 'VAR3=val3', '-hivevar', 'VAR4=val4', '-hivevar', 'VAR5=val5', '-f', '/my/path/filename.hql']