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Apache POI 4.1. XSSF merged cells border

In older versions you could type something like:

propertyTemplate.drawBorders(cellsRegionRange, BorderStyle.THICK, IndexedColors.YELLOW1.index, BorderExtent.OUTSIDE);

That results in an exterior border - even around merged cells, with selected color. Unfortunately with new version of POI it seems that I cannot use Indexed colors, since the methods of getting an index of a custom RGB color are not working and are being depricated or tagged as TEST ONLY.

So because of coloring I had to drop propertyTemplate class. Now I know how to color the border using XSSFColor constructor and XSSFCellStyle:

XSSFColor borderColorXSF = new XSSFColor(rgbB, null);

But I dont know how to apply the XSSFCellStyle to the merged region of cells, I have tried RegionUtil which I think results only in overwriting the XSSFCellStyle so everything is black, even the fill color.

So my question is whats the correct way to get around propertyTemplate class?


  • The only solution I have found was to iterate over each cell, check if any of its border is Inner or Outer and set the cell style border accordingly. I have basically wrote some of the HSSF PropertyTemplate class methods on my own. Note that I have found out that you cannot mix HSSF and XSSF methods or objects as it then starts to behave unpredictably even though the program runs without exceptions.