I have this massive block of code that has different if statements and different for statement for these if statements. Is there a way that I will be able to reduce the number of if and for loops in this code to make it more condensed and efficient?
occ_simulation <- function(nyears, lambda, alpha, beta){
data_matrix <- matrix(, nrow = nyears, ncol = 6)
for (z in 1:nyears){
data_matrix[z][1] <- z
for (yr in 1:nyears){
poisson_sim = rpois(1, lambda)
for (number_of_events in poisson_sim){
if (number_of_events == 1){
beta_sim = rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
data_matrix[yr, 2] <- beta_sim
} else if (number_of_events == 2){
for (i in 2:3){
beta_sim = rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
data_matrix[yr, i] <- beta_sim
} else if (number_of_events == 3){
for (i in 2:4){
beta_sim = rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
data_matrix[yr, i] <- beta_sim
} else if (number_of_events == 4){
for (i in 2:5){
beta_sim = rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
data_matrix[yr, i] <- beta_sim
} else{
for (i in 2:6){
beta_sim = rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
data_matrix[yr, i] <- beta_sim
sorted_matrix <- cbind(data_matrix[,1],t(apply(data_matrix[,2:6],1,function(x) sort(x))))
G <- sorted_matrix %>% as.data.frame %>%
pivot_longer(-V1) %>%
labs(color='Column',x='Time (Years)', y ='Probability')+
manual = occ_simulation(10, 10, 2, 20)
What this code does is take an input of the timeframe you want a simulation, then for each year it does a poisson simulation to calculate the number of events that happened in that year. Then depending on the number of events that happened in that year (up to a cut off of 5). Then depending on the number of events that happened it runs a beta simulation for each event so you have a value for the 5 "events" that happened in the year. Then it just places this into a matrix so we have are left with a matrix of values for the number of years against the values for the number of events that have occurred.
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 0.011466314 0.05644778 0.09415982 0.24654834 0.31950041
[2,] 2 0.005988383 0.05334661 0.07467286 0.10501165 0.18135706
[3,] 3 0.030178740 0.04501533 0.07642787 0.11537804 0.12156121
[4,] 4 0.033208015 0.04391486 0.10769396 0.12492813 0.19938551
[5,] 5 0.026646013 0.03085844 0.06188760 0.10742163 0.16181556
[6,] 6 0.021271089 0.03010617 0.08581937 0.11578462 0.40768207
[7,] 7 0.032381818 0.06602770 0.08423590 0.10511102 0.15810456
[8,] 8 0.030124977 0.04863202 0.08484395 0.08790361 0.09787569
[9,] 9 0.043273119 0.05148791 0.06314097 0.10162677 0.10308642
[10,] 10 0.045976676 0.06381831 0.07352065 0.08667746 0.11843700
This does everything you talk about in the text, but skips the sorting since you don't mention it and I'm not sure why you do it:
occ_simulation2 = function(n_year, lambda, alpha, beta, max_event){
beta_events = matrix(rbeta(n_year * max_event, shape1 = alpha, shape2 = beta), nrow = n_year)
n_events_per_year = rpois(n_year, lambda = lambda)
for(i in which(n_events_per_year < max_event)) {
beta_events[i, (n_events_per_year[i] + 1):max_event] = NA
cbind(1:n_year, beta_events)
occ_simulation2(n_year = 10, lambda = 10, alpha = 2, beta = 20, max_event = 5)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
# [1,] 1 0.035977205 0.131498127 0.06717396 0.07395549 0.16532084
# [2,] 2 0.092411677 0.010091762 0.14054564 0.07560796 0.17471096
# [3,] 3 0.033394007 0.017621993 0.06469264 0.10337253 0.19579706
# [4,] 4 0.165301623 0.131111006 0.03285909 0.38068480 0.05473743
# [5,] 5 0.007820079 0.196192197 0.25096961 0.06851775 0.35516715
# [6,] 6 0.028011863 0.003841574 0.16924708 0.12446178 0.06525773
# [7,] 7 0.133261625 0.059417090 0.09608348 0.07471339 0.08303839
# [8,] 8 0.076545497 0.110469131 0.23364757 0.09250536 0.03295593
# [9,] 9 0.051244148 0.070419370 0.07127251 0.11847306 0.04112807
# [10,] 10 0.104567386 0.188888704 0.02556781 0.10075848 0.02456839