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color palette not working on certain colors in VGA

I'm trying to set the VGA(640x480x16) color palette in assembler on DOSBox but specifically colors 6, 8-F don't change. I have tried using interrupts and directly through ports both work for other colors but not for those. I'm using DOSBox 0.74-3 on default config. Here is my code

    setpalete MACRO index,r,g,b
            mov ax, 1010h
            mov bx, index
            mov ch, r
            mov cl, g
            mov dh, b
            int 10h
        mov ax, 0A000h
        mov es, ax

        ;set video mode to 640x480 16 color ah=0 al=12h int 10h
        mov ax, 12h 
        int 10h

        setpalete 06h,030h,030h,030h

        mov dx, 03C4h ;dx = indexregister
        mov ah, 06h ;Color 
        mov al, 02h ;register select - map mask
        out dx, ax ;select the bitplanes.
        mov al, 0FFh
        mov di, 0
        mov cx,38400
        rep stosb

and here is setting the pallet using ports

setpalete MACRO index,r,g,b
    mov dx, 3c8h
    mov al, index
    out dx, al
    mov dx, 3c9h
    mov al, r
    out dx, al ; set R
    mov al, g
    out dx, al ; set G
    mov al, b
    out dx, al ; set B

thanks in advance


  • Your program sets color register 6 to some gray color. What you observe is that in the 16-color video mode 12h, palette register 6 is mapped to color register 20 (14h). So rather change color register 20 (14h). Same applies for the palette registers 8 (08h) to 15 (0Fh).

    Here is the connection between the palette register (the color value) and the color register (DAC register which you should change). All numbers in hex:

    0  1  2  3  4  5  6 7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F     palette register
    0  1  2  3  4  5 14 7 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F     color register

    So, for example, in order to update the color in palette register number 0Ah you should make the change in color register number 3Ah.

    Also, your setpalete macro does not load the correct RGB registers. This is the correct version:

    setpalete MACRO index,r,g,b
            mov bx, index
            mov dh, r
            mov ch, g
            mov cl, b
            mov ax, 1010h  ; BIOS.SetIndividualColorRegister
            int 10h