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Android service doesn't restart when I close app

I'm doing some tests with services. My code in local service is just:

function TDM.AndroidServiceStartCommand(const Sender: TObject;
  const Intent: JIntent; Flags, StartId: Integer): Integer;
  Result := TJService.JavaClass.START_STICKY;
  my_log('Service started');

But service doesn't restart when I close the app. I know that a local service runs in the same process as the app so it is normal the service finish, but START_STICKY should start the service automatically but this is not happening. The service only starts automatically when I open the application again. Is this a Delphi issue? In applications made in Java the service starts correctly.

I'm running on Android 10.


  • try to check battery settings for your app (just to be sure that you have not restricted run of background service)