Let's suppose we have a simple table users
id | name | company | other columns.......
1 | A | A1
2 | A | A2
3 | B | B1
4 | C | C1
5 | C | C2
6 | C | C3
I want to group by name, and chose the latest value for id
and company
. The result I expect is three column table:
id | name | company |
2 | A | A2
3 | B | B1
6 | C | C3
I am trying to use GROUP_BY
, but don't know how to include company
? # I don't know how to include company
FROM users
Does anyone have better idea?
Use distinct on
select distinct on (name) u.*
from users u
order by name, id desc;
distinct on
is a very convenient Postgres extension. It returns the first row from a group of rows. The "grouping" is based on the columns after distinct on
. The ordering is based on the order by
There are two other common ways to address this. One method uses window functions:
select u.*
from (select u.*,
row_number() over (partition by name order by id desc) as seqnum
from users u
) u
where seqnum = 1;
Or a correlated subquery:
select u.*
from users u
where u.id = (select max(u2.id) from users u2 where u2.name -= u.name);
There is even a "clever" way of doing this using group by
. Postgres doesn't have a "first" or "last" aggregation function. But you can use arrays:
select name, max(id),
(array_agg(company order by id desc))[1] as country
from users u
group by name;