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Inheritable static factory method in Swift class

Consider this static factory method written in Objective-C:

@implementation User

+ (instancetype)named:(NSString *)name {
    let user = [self new]; = name;
    return user;


How do I implement it in Swift? The plenty of Self/self/Type/type keywords in Swift feels fuzzy and I struggle to figure out the right solution.


  • The solution came out to be like this:

    class User {
        var name: String
        required init(name: String) { = name }
        class func named(_ name: String) -> Self {
            let instance = Self.init(name: name)
            return instance

    The following example shows everything works fine:

    class Admin: User {
        override class func named(_ name: String) -> Self {
            let decoratedName = "~\(name)~"
            let instance = Self.init(name: decoratedName)
            return instance
        func ban(user: User) {
            print("User \( banned by \(name)!")
    let user = User.named("John")
    let admin = Admin.named("Peter")
    admin.ban(user: user) // Yields 'User John banned by ~Peter~!'

    So, you should pay attention to these keypoints:

    • Your class must have a required constructor (maybe even without arguments)
    • You should call it on Self. inside your method
    • Your method should have class access modifier
    • Your method's return type should be -> Self (note the capital S)