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How to prove equivalence between those two types - algorithm' and algorithm''?

What I’m doing wrong here (either I'm too inexperienced to finish the proof or there's some mistake before it)? I can’t quite prove the equivalence between these two types. Any help is appreciated.

This is part of my efforts to prove the log_2(n!) bound for sorting (for specific n=8). The algorithm'' type corresponds to decision tree.

Require Import List Lia.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.
Definition variable_eq_dec (x y: variable): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  destruct x, y.
  + left; auto.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + destruct v, v0; try (left; abstract congruence); (right; abstract congruence).

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Definition instantation := variable -> nat.

Definition run_assignment (a: assignment) (i: instantation): instantation :=
  match a with
  | assign v1 v2 => fun x => if variable_eq_dec x v1 then i v2 else i x end.

Fixpoint run_assignment_list (L: list assignment): instantation -> instantation :=
  match L with
  | nil => fun i => i
  | a :: l => fun i => run_assignment_list l (run_assignment a i)

Inductive algorithm': nat -> Type :=
| leaf': algorithm' 0
| conditional': forall n (c: comparison) (pos_assignments neg_assignments: list assignment) (pos neg: algorithm' n), algorithm' (S n).

Inductive algorithm'': nat -> Type :=
| leaf'': list assignment -> algorithm'' 0
| conditional'': forall n (c: comparison) (pos neg: algorithm'' n), algorithm'' (S n).

Definition run_algorithm' n (a: algorithm' n): instantation -> instantation.
  induction a.
  + exact (fun x => x).
  + intro i. destruct c. exact (if Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less))
                       then IHa1 (run_assignment_list pos_assignments i)
                       else IHa2 (run_assignment_list neg_assignments i)).

Definition run_algorithm'' n (a: algorithm'' n) (i: instantation): instantation.
  induction a.
  + exact (run_assignment_list l i).
  + destruct c.
    exact (if Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less)) then IHa1 else IHa2).

Fixpoint append_assignments n (a: algorithm'' n) (L: list assignment): algorithm'' n :=
  match a with
  | leaf'' L0 => leaf'' (L ++ L0)
  | conditional'' c pos neg => conditional'' c (append_assignments pos L) (append_assignments neg L)

Fixpoint algorithm'_to_algorithm'' n (a: algorithm' n): algorithm'' n :=
  match a with
  | leaf' => leaf'' nil
  | conditional' c Lpos Lneg pos neg =>
      conditional'' c (append_assignments (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' pos) Lpos)
                      (append_assignments (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' neg) Lneg)

Theorem algorithm'_algorithm''_equiv n (a: algorithm' n):
  forall (i: instantation) (x: variable), run_algorithm' a i x = run_algorithm'' (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' a) i x.


  • Your statement appears to be false. Here is a counter example.

    Definition mya1 : algorithm' 2 := 
      conditional' (GT x0 x1)
         ((assign (num x0) (num x2)) :: (assign (num x1) (num x3)) :: nil)
         ((assign (num x0) (num x4)) :: (assign (num x1) (num x5)) :: nil)
       (conditional' (GT x2 x3)
         ((assign (num x2) (num x6)) :: (assign (num x3) (num x7)) :: nil)
         ((assign (num x0) (num x4)) :: (assign (num x1) (num x5)) :: nil)
         leaf' leaf')
       (conditional' (GT x3 x0)
         ((assign (num x2) (num x7)) :: (assign (num x3) (num x6)) :: nil)
         ((assign (num x0) (num x4)) :: (assign (num x1) (num x5)) :: nil)
         leaf' leaf').
    Definition myi x := 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x0) then 3 else 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x1) then 4 else 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x2) then 6 else
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x3) then 5 else 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x4) then 7 else 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x5) then 8 else 
             if variable_eq_dec x (num x6) then 9 else 

    The following command returns 6

     Compute run_algorithm' mya1 myi (num x2).

    While the following returns 0.

     Compute run_algorithm'' (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' mya1) myi (num x2).

    I found the counter example by attempting to do the proof by induction on a. Here is my script.

    Theorem algorithm'_algorithm''_equiv n (a: algorithm' n):
      forall (i: instantation) (x: variable), 
     run_algorithm' a i x  = run_algorithm'' (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' a) i x.
    induction a.
    intros i x.
    destruct c.
    destruct (Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less))) as [cmp1 | cmp2].
      rewrite IHa1.

    This leads me to a goal that is more about append_assigments and run_assignment_list, which I state in this manner.

    Lemma algorithm''_list n (a : algorithm'' n) (l: list assignment) i x :
      run_algorithm'' a (run_assignment_list l i) x =
      run_algorithm'' (append_assignments a l) i x.

    In the course of making this proof, by induction on a, I could see that there was a mismatch of execution between the two sides of the equality. Analyzing it further lead to the counterexample.