I have real-time time series data from two different sensor input. I would like to arrange the data according to the timestamp.
The problem is that the sensor input is recieved inconsistent, e.g.
sensor time data1 data2 data3 data 4
['sensor_1', '0', '0.1234', '0.3251', '1.4235', '0.4234']
['sensor_1', '1', '0.1432', '0.3452', '1.4245', '0.1434']
['sensor_2', '0', '0.6543', '0.3231', '1.1235', '0.3434']
['sensor_1', '2', '0.1654', '0.3243', '1.5445', '0.1234']
['sensor_2', '1', '0.1544', '0.3345', '1.5425', '0.6534']
['sensor_2', '2', '0.5432', '0.4551', '1.8755', '0.4245']
How can I join them (while I recieve data) so sensor data with same timestamp are combined, like so:
time data1_1 data1_2 data1_3 data1_4 data2_1 data2_2 data2_3 data2_4
['0', '0.1234', '0.3251', '1.4235', '0.4234', '0.6543', '0.3231', '1.1235', '0.3434']
['1', '0.1432', '0.3452', '1.4245', '0.1434', '0.1544', '0.3345', '1.5425', '0.6534']
['2', '0.1654', '0.3243', '1.5445', '0.1234', '0.5432', '0.4551', '1.8755', '0.4245']
I recieve data through a subprocess (one line at a time):
process = subprocess.Popen(['node', 'server.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
Byte_data = process.stdout.readline()
string_data = byte_data.rstrip().decode("utf-8") # From byte to string
list_data = string_data.split(",") # Comma separate strings
# Sort data here...
You will need to keep a look back and match timestamps as they come in, something like this.
def time(row):
return row[1]
def synchronized(rows):
lookback = {'sensor_1': {}, 'sensor_2': {}}
for row in rows:
# add row to lookback
sensor = row[0]
lookback[sensor][time(row)] = row
# check for matching timestamps
rms = []
for t, r in sorted(lookback['sensor_1'].items(), key=time):
if t in lookback['sensor_2']:
yield r, lookback['sensor_2']
for rm in rms:
for tmp in lookback.values():
del tmp[rm]
def parse(rows):
for row in rows:
yield tuple(row.decode().rstrip().split(','))
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(['node', 'server.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for row1, row2 in synchronized(parse(process.stdout)):
print(row1, row2)