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Is there good way to save text input from tkinter Text widget

I was building, a receipt using Tkinter in Text widgets, it is well-formatted in GUI enter image description here

but when I save that it becomes like this

enter image description here

There is so much disorder in the text file

How can I get a text formatted like one in GUI, in text file ??? here is my code.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno

# ------------
app = Tk()
# =================== frames ========================
frame1 = Frame(app)
# ----
title_label = Label(frame1, text="Facture", font=("courier", 40, 'bold'))
# ----
frame2 = Frame(app, bd=5)
# ----
frame3 = Frame(app)
# ============================================

# ======--- text field -----======
text_input = Text(frame2, width=47, height=25, bg="aliceblue", fg='black', font=("arial", 14, 'bold'))
# ============ in text field ===============
text_input.insert(END, f'--------------------------------- Facture ---------------------------------\n')
text_input.insert(END, f"\nQty  " + f"Product" + f"                                 PU" + f"                 PV/TVAC" + f'\n')
text_input.insert(END, f"\n1      " + f"FANTA CITRON" + f"                      2500" + f"              2500")
text_input.insert(END, f"\n1      " + f"BUFFET PER HEAD" + f"              10000" + f"            10000")
text_input.insert(END, f"\n1      " + f"MUKEKE GRILLE OIGNONS" + f"16000" + f"            16000" + f'\n')
text_input.insert(END, f"\nTOTAL" + f"                                                                   28500")

# --------- functions ---------
def save():
    filepath = asksaveasfilename(
        defaultextension = "csv",
        filetypes = [("Text Files", "*.csv"), ("All Files", "*.*")])

    if not filepath:

    with open(filepath, 'w') as output_file:
        text = text_input.get('1.0', END)

def printR():

def delete():
    text_input.delete('1.0', END)

def exit():
    iExit = askyesno("Attention", "You are on your way to quit\nAre you sure you want quit")
    if iExit > 0:
# ----------------------------------

# ============---------------===============
# =====--------- Buttons -----------========
save_button = Button(frame3, text="Save", height=3, width=10, command=save)
save_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2)
# ----------------
print_button = Button(frame3, text="Print", height=3, width=10, command=printR)
print_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2)
# ----------------
delete_button = Button(frame3, text="Delete", height=3, width=10, command=delete)
delete_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=2)
# ----------------
quit_button = Button(frame3, text="Exit", height=3, width=10, command=exit)
quit_button.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=2)
# ============================================


......................... ......................... ......................... .........................


  • I think that the problem is that the "Text" is formatted well only using the Tkfixedfont font.

    I made some changes, replaced the format type, deleted the bold and size and used the format() function to align the text.

    from tkinter import *
    from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
    from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno
    # ------------
    app = Tk()
    # =================== frames ========================
    frame1 = Frame(app)
    # ----
    title_label = Label(frame1, text="Facture", font=("courier", 40, 'bold'))
    # ----
    frame2 = Frame(app, bd=5)
    # ----
    frame3 = Frame(app)
    # ============================================
    # ======--- text field -----======
    text_input = Text(frame2,bg="aliceblue", fg='black', font=('TkFixedFont'))
    text_input.pack(expand = True)
    # ============ in text field ===============
    header = "{0} {1} {2}\n".format("-"*35,"Facture", "-"*35)
    text_input.insert(END, header)
    fields = "{0:10}{1:40}{2:20}{3:8}\n".format("Qty", "Product", "PU", "PV/TVAC")
    text_input.insert(END, fields)
    rs = (("1", "FANTA CITRON", "2500", "2500"),
            ("1", "BUFFET PER HEAD", "10000", "10000"),
            ("1", "MUKEKE GRILLE OIGNONS", "16000", "16000"),)
    for i in rs:
        fields = "{0:10}{1:40}{2:20}{3:10}\n".format(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])
        text_input.insert(END, fields)
    footer = "{0:70}{1}".format("TOTAL","28500")
    text_input.insert(END, footer)
    # --------- functions ---------
    def save():
        filepath = asksaveasfilename(
            defaultextension = "csv",
            filetypes = [("Text Files", "*.csv"), ("All Files", "*.*")])
        if not filepath:
        with open(filepath, 'w') as output_file:
            text = text_input.get('1.0', END)
    def printR():
    def delete():
        text_input.delete('1.0', END)
    def exit():
        iExit = askyesno("Attention", "You are on your way to quit\nAre you sure you want quit")
        if iExit > 0:
    # ----------------------------------
    # ============---------------===============
    # =====--------- Buttons -----------========
    save_button = Button(frame3, text="Save", height=3, width=10, command=save)
    save_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2)
    # ----------------
    print_button = Button(frame3, text="Print", height=3, width=10, command=printR)
    print_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2)
    # ----------------
    delete_button = Button(frame3, text="Delete", height=3, width=10, command=delete)
    delete_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=2)
    # ----------------
    quit_button = Button(frame3, text="Exit", height=3, width=10, command=exit)
    quit_button.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=2)
    # ============================================

    enter image description here

    enter image description here