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Nargin function in R (number of function inputs)


I am trying to create a function in R to replicate the functionality of a homonymous MATLAB function which returns the number of arguments that were passed to a function.


Consider the function below:

addme <- function(a, b) {
    if (nargin() == 2) {
        c <- a + b
    } else if (nargin() == 1) {
        c <- a + a
    } else {
        c <- 0

Once the user runs addme(), I want nargin() to basically look at how many parameters were passed―2 (a and b), only 1 (a) or none―and calculate c accordingly.

What I have tried

After spending a lot of time messing around with environments, this is the closest I ever got to a working solution:

nargin <- function() {
    length(as.list( = parent.env(environment()))))

The problem with this function is that it always returns 0, and the reason why is that I think it's looking at its own environment instead of its parent's (in spite of my attempt of throwing in a parent.env there).

I know I can use missing() and args() inside addme() to achieve the same functionality, but I'll be needing this quite a few other times throughout my project, so wrapping it in a function is definitely something I should try to do.


How can I get nargin() to return the number of arguments that were passed to its parent function?


  • You could use

    nargin <- function() {
      if(sys.nframe()<2) stop("must be called from inside a function")

    Basically you just use to go up the call stack to the calling function and get it's call and then count the number of elements and subtract one for the function name itself.