I have as an example the following list:
row col
[1, ] 4 453
[2, ] 5 453
row col
[1, ] 26 264
[2, ] 26 265
[3, ] 26 266
[4, ] 27 265
[5, ] 27 266
row col
[1,] 35 364
[1,] 35 365
[2,] 35 366
the goal is to combine the elements of the list, in the form: list[[1]] with list[[2]], list [[1]] with list[[3]] successively (I have a list in the order of five thousand items or more)
The expected result is:
row col
[1, ] 4 453
[2, ] 5 453
[3, ] 26 264
[4, ] 26 265
[5, ] 26 266
[6, ] 27 265
[7, ] 27 266
row col
[1, ] 4 453
[2, ] 5 453
[3, ] 35 364
[4, ] 35 365
[5, ] 35 366
So, I have the following function that works fine, but since the number of items in the list is very large, this process takes a long time.
rows_bind <- function(all_GG){
nn_GG <- length(all_GG)
lista_analizar <- list()
cont <- 1
repeat {
lista_analizar[[cont]] <- rbind(all_GG[[1]], all_GG[[cont+1]])
cont = cont + 1
if (cont == nn_GG){
My question is: how can I optimize this function? to use it inside a function like lapply() or sapply(). Or better yet use parSapply() or parLapply()
Growing objects in a loop are mostly inefficient. Try with Map
result <- Map(rbind, lista[1], lista[-1])
Using lapply
you can write this as :
result <- lapply(lista[-1], function(x) rbind(lista[[1]], x))