I'm new to url rewriting process in Marklogic and need help to resolve the below issue.
I have written Xquery implementation to redirect my API endpoints to the respective Xquery modules as /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $url := xdmp:get-request-url()
return if(fn:matches($url,"/fetchRecord")) then
else if(fn:matches($url,"/saveRecord")) then
else (xdmp:set-response-code(404, "Not found"),"/no/such/resource")
And the url-rewriter path in the App server configuration is set to /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy and rewrite resolves globally parameter is set to true in App server.
I'm able to redirect my API urls to the respective endpoints.But I'm not able to use predefined ML Res-API endpoints like /v1/documents,it is showing 404 error as returned in the rewriter.xqy.
Is there a way I can implement rewriter to support both rest api endpoints as well as custom API endpoints?
Thanks for your answers.I'm planning to use two app servers one for rest calls and other for API calls.These two app servers will point to the same DB.Please let me know if this is a right approach.