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How to configure Open JDK 11 in STS?

How to configure Open JDK-11 in STS(3.5)? When i go to window > Preferences > Java > Installed JRE's and provide OPENJDKHomeFolder\bin, i get a message "Target is not a JDK root. javaexecutable not found".

I could not find any references/documentation to this problem. Any suggestions please.


  • Apologies. I used sts-4.8.0.RELEASE. @MartinLippert - I had to do the below as well to make it work - In sts-4.8.0.RELEASE\SpringToolSuite4.ini file, i had to add the below in the very first line in addition to pointing to home folder as mentioned by @Kris -vm
    OpenJDK11\openjdk-11.0.2_windows-x64_bin\jdk-11.0.2\bin\javaw.exe (absolute path)

    Note: Adding the above anywhere else in ini file will not work. Why? Note sure!

    Ironical that, i could not find any refences to this problem. Had to spent 1 day to figure out this. Anyways got it working and hope it will be useful for others.