Id like to write an extension method for any Enum that returns a random value from that enum, currently ive got this:
class Monster
public enum presets
//some values
presets p = presets.randomEnum();
public static class Extensions
public static T randomEnum<T>(this T en) where T : struct , IConvertible , IEnumerable<Enum>
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) { throw new Exception("random enum variable is not an enum"); }
Array values = en.ToArray();
return (T)values.GetValue(Random.Next(values.Length));
but when i do presets.randomEnum()
Visual Studio 19 tells me that Error CS0117 'Monster.presets' does not contain a definition for 'randomEnum'
NOTE: i had to do ALOT of googling for that ext method so if theres an easier way that i missed or just didn't think of, id greatly appreciate it
The extension method must be defined at the top of the class (i.e. inside of a namespace but not in another class). Also, you can't have that IEnumerable constraint on it, it is too much. This works for me:
public enum Presets
public static class Extensions
public static T RandomEnum<T>(this T en) where T : struct, IConvertible
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) { throw new Exception("random enum variable is not an enum"); }
var random = new Random();
var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
return (T)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length));