How can I check if the bucket already exists in my Aws S3 account using Java SDK?
Using below code
Checks global existence of bucket and returns true if a bucket with this name exists globally even if I am not the owner of this bucket or I don't have access to that bucket.
I understand the intent for making this method this way so that It allows us to determine the availability of bucket name but this is not what I need. Of course, it will throw exception that I don't have access to it later, but it returns stating that bucket with this name exists.
I want to check if the bucket with the given name exists in my S3 account so that I can perform operations on it.
One possible solution for it can be to list
all the buckets and search for my bucket in that returned list which I feel is not a good performance-wise (correct me if I am wrong) as there can be hundreds of thousands of buckets and searching in them is not efficient.
How can I determine if a bucket exists in my S3 account not checking global existence?
A HeadBucket
request does the job.
HeadBucketRequest headBucketRequest = HeadBucketRequest.builder()
try {
return true;
} catch (NoSuchBucketException e) {
return false;