I am doing a nasm project, and I need to execute the ej and use as a parameter the ex.asm . I tried searching through GNU how can I pick one by one the parameter. My solution has been writing ex1_ and ex2_, but I want to put those inside the $(ex) dependency, so I don't have to replicate multiple times the same code. Is there any way?
Thank you in advance
The code:
ej = ej1_gen ej2_gen
ex = ex1 ex2
# -----------------------------------------------
all: $(ej) $(ex)
exs: ex1_ ex2_
# -----------------------------------------------
$(ex): exs
nasm -g -o $@.o -f elf32 $@.asm
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -m32 -o $@ $@.o alfalib.o
./ej1_gen ex1.asm
./ej2_gen ex2.asm
As I read the question, you have programs or scripts ej1_gen
and ej2_jen
in the project, serving to generate the wanted assembly sources. They each take the name of the output file as a command-line argument. Parts of this answer would need to be adjusted if that's a misinterpretation.
Rules to describe how to build the assembly files should designate the resulting assembly file(s) as the target. Also, supposing that the code-generator programs are part of the project, they should be designated as prerequisites, since changing those could cause them to produce different outputs. Any configuration files or similar that they read to inform their results should also be named as prerequisites (not shown). That leads to rules something like this:
ex1.asm: ej1_gen
./ej1_gen $@
ex2.asm: ej2_gen
./ej2_gen $@
It sounds like you may be asking for a way to express that via just one rule covering both, but I would not do so in this case. I don't think you get any clearer than the above, even if there are more than two assembly files to generate. It might be different if the same code generator program were being used, with different options, to generate all the assembly files, or perhaps if the generator name could be derived more directly from the target name.
With those rules in place, you can write a generic suffix rule or pattern rule to assemble the resulting files. Since you tag [gnu], I'll assume that a pattern rule is acceptable:
%.o: %.asm
nasm -g -o $@ -f elf32 $<
And you can take a similar approach to expressing a link rule:
%: %.o alfalib.o
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -m32 -o $@ $^
With that, you should be able to get rid of the ej
variable and the exs
target, too, leaving
all: $(ex)
as the only other rule (and it should still appear first in the file, as it does now).