I am trying to build a taxonomy-like relationship graph for Stack Overflow tags. I extracted all tags and nearly ~37000 of those wikis. Before determining the relationships based on wikis, I decided to take look at what Stack Overflow /tags/{tag}/synonyms
has to offer. Some of the from_tag
s in the results are not actual tags in Stack Overflow. I thought I might have missed those in my dataset. So tried to search those with the /tags/{tag}/info
, which however returned the information for to_tag
For example:
"creation_date": 1377674210,
"last_applied_date": 1602368899,
"applied_count": 1172,
"to_tag": "java",
"from_tag": "jre"
Is one of the results for tags/java/synonyms
endpoint. However, there is no tag jre. If search /tag/jre/info
I get information for Java instead.
I am confused about this behavior. How does tags/java/synonyms
get a tag which is not a Stack Overflow tag?
The API results are correct. As you can see here, jre exists and was synonymised and merged with Java. In addition, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jre redirects to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java (the page doesn't return a 404!). Apparently, you can only find tags that have been synonymised via the /tags/{tag}/synonyms
. Thus, this route is not that useful for your task.
For more information, see: What are tag synonyms and merged tags? How do they work?