I have the following (simplified) Schema.
Property_No INT NOT NULL,
Property_Type varchar(10) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO TEST_Appointment(Property_No, Property_Type) VALUES
(1, 'House'),
(1, 'House'),
(1, 'House'),
(2, 'Flat'),
(2, 'Flat'),
(3, 'Flat'),
(4, 'House'),
(5, 'House'),
(6, 'Studio');
I am trying to write a query to get the properties that have the most appointments in each property type group. An example output would be:
Property_No | Property_Type | Number of Appointments
1 | House | 3
2 | Flat | 2
6 | Studio | 1
I have the following query to get the number of appointments per property but I am not sure how to go from there
SELECT Property_No, Property_Type, COUNT(*)
from TEST_Appointment
GROUP BY Property_Type, Property_No;
If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can use aggregation and window functions:
select *
from (
select property_no, property_type, count(*) no_appointments,
rank() over(partition by property_type order by count(*) desc) rn
from test_appointment
group by property_no, property_type
) t
where rn = 1
In earlier versions, one option uses a having
clause and a row-limiting correlated subquery:
select property_no, property_type, count(*) no_appointments
from test_appointment t
group by property_no, property_type
having count(*) = (
select count(*)
from test_appointment t1
where t1.property_type = t.property_type
group by t1.property_no
order by count(*) desc
limit 1
Note that both queries allow ties, if any.