I want to remove the description of all posts from all pages of the website. And resize images like feature blog image ( But Medium size ) in CONTEMPO THEME. Checkout featured post and another post
Right now all posts display like this :
Sample website - http://lazycoder7.blogspot.com/
Do these changes. go to theme > edit HTML.
.post-snippet.snippet-container { display : none; }
Search ".post-body .snippet-thumbnail" and Remove all the attributes from the below class
.post-body .snippet-thumbnail {
Search ".post-body .snippet-thumbnail img" and Give attribute to the below class.
.post-body .snippet-thumbnail img {
width: 100%;
Search "(max-width: 800px) 20vw, 128px" and replace that tag with the below tag
data='{image: data:post.featuredImage, imageSizes: [256, 512, 945, 1684], imageRatio: "945:600",
sourceSizes: "(min-width: 954px) 842px, (min-width: 801px) calc(100vw - 112px),
calc(100vw - 64px)", enhancedSourceset: data:highRes }'