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Route53 domain name not working (godaddy domain)

I deployed my Django website on ec2 ubuntu instance. I have associated an elastic IP to my ec2 instance and it works fine when I ping the IP and it shows my website. I configured Route53 and mapped with my GoDaddy domain name. Now, when I use my domain name it is showing the Nginx default page but not my website. However, with IP it works fine.

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  • Your website showing Nginx server installed page , that means you have correctly pointed your Go-daddy domain to your AWS Ec2 IP. and now you dont need to do anything with Go-daddy..

    So Now lets look at your AWS Ec2 Nginx .

    currently it showing "Nginx server installed page" which is default index.html file, which is in /usr/share/nginx/html folder. This get auto add when you installs Nginx server. successful Nginx installation shows this default page.

    To show your own website page , you need to add 2 things in server block of Nginx.conf file

    1) assign your domain name to `server_name` directive. 
    2) assign folder/path of your website directory (root directory having index file) to `root` 

    like below:

    server {
        listen       80;
            listen       [::]:80;
            root         /usr/share/nginx/html/example/;