I have a CLI command like this:
$ psql -U postgres < <(psql -U postgres -Atc "select 'SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)
FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = \''||datname||'\'; /* I WILL ADD MORE QUERIES HERE LATER. */
'from pg_database where
datistemplate=false AND datname != 'postgres';")
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
LINE 2: FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = \''||datname||'\';
WHERE datname = 'database_name'
-- instead of
WHERE datname = \''||datname||'\'
This will print and echo to psql
for each found database instance. However, datname
is not properly populated. It is because of '
(Escape?). How can I terminate open connections to the databases other than fix this command? Why can't I populate postgres
in this CLI command||datname||
My goal is to drop all connections if any, to all databases other than postgres
database. But doing this by in CLI/Bash. Not by logging in to sudo -u postgres
. I want to drop all connections via CLI-only. I will use this in CI/CD system therefore user interaction is not possible.
Your single quotes don't need to protected from the shell, because they are already inside double quotes. And to protect them from psql, you double them, not back-whack them. So
psql -U postgres < <(psql -U postgres -Atc "select 'SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)
FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '''||datname||'''; /* I WILL ADD MORE QUERIES HERE LATER. */
'from pg_database where
datistemplate=false AND datname != 'postgres';")
But you could probably use \gexec
to make this better, by having only one psql
call rather than two.