I´m refering to this post from Yarin in 2012.
this won't work anymore, im using mysql v 8.0.19
Given a table like that below, with person, group, and age columns, how would you get the oldest person in each group? (A tie within a group should give the first alphabetical result)
Person | Group | Age
Bob | 1 | 32
Jill | 1 | 34
Shawn| 1 | 42
Jake | 2 | 29
Paul | 2 | 36
Laura| 2 | 39
Desired result set:
Shawn | 1 | 42
Laura | 2 | 39
You can use row_number()
select *
from (
select t.*, row_number() over(partition by group order by age desc, person) rn
from mytable t
) t
where rn = 1
The accepted answer to the linked post baffles me somehow. It relies on option ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
being disabled (well, ok, that was the default in MySQL 5.6). It makes assumptions about the way MySQL behaves in that case, which I don't think are officially documented anywhere. I wouldn't recmmend that, even in MySQL 5.6; happily, there is another answer, with more upvotes, that seem like a much safer approach to the question.