I am trying to use parameters for my project but somehow it does not return an output. Please see my code below.
SqlCommand zSqlComm = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tblAppUsers WHERE Username = @Username AND PasswordHash = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @Password)");
zSqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
zSqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", "admin");
zSqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", "admin");
return DatabaseDAL.ExecuteSelect(zSqlComm);
However if I try to use this, it returns a value from the dataset:
SqlCommand zSqlComm = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT * FROM tblAppUsers WHERE Username = 'admin' AND PasswordHash = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'admin')"
Please see my ExecuteSelect
public static DataTable ExecuteSelect (SqlCommand zSQLComm)
DataTable zDataTable = new DataTable();
SqlConnection zSQLConn = new SqlConnection(DatabaseConfiguration.ZSQLConnectionString);
zSQLComm.Connection = zSQLConn;
SqlDataAdapter zSQLDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(zSQLComm);
return zDataTable;
I also tried removing the single quotes in the parameter in the CommandText
but it also still did not return any output.
As you can check by the MS SQL Server, there are different results between pass direct string and pass variable to the HASHBYTES function:
declare @Password nvarchar(50)
set @Password = 'admin'
select HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'admin')
select HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @Password)
So try pass parameters with their types:
zSqlComm.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = "admin";