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urllib response headers missing

I'm using Python3 urllib to try to get a URL for an Artifact using the GitHub API.

The following curl works fine, it (correctly) shows that there is a Location header with the URL I want. There is no response content: only the headers matter:

curl -i -u"$USER:$GH_ACCESS_TOKEN"$ORG/$REPO/actions/artifacts/21877858/zip

For the urllib code, auth is working and I get can back JSON responses just fine from other endpoints. But the headers I get back don't include Location.

    opener = get_opener() # bunch of boilerplate
    req = request.Request(uri)
    # same exact headers as curl sends.
    # It doesn't change anything if I change `Accept` to "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
    # like GH recommends
    req.add_header("Accept", "*/*")
    # next line doesn't make a difference
    req.add_header("User-Agent", "curl/7.64")
    with as response:
        print(response.code, response.headers["Location"])
        # prints (200, None)
        # If I stringify the headers there is a completely different set than
        # what curl shows


  • doesn't follow redirect by default so you end up with a 302 status code with a Location header.

    urllib do follow redirect automatically though, you can use one of these solutions, for example :

    import urllib.request
    githubToken = "YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN"
    url = ""
    class NoRedirection(urllib.request.HTTPErrorProcessor):
        def http_response(self, request, response):
            return response
        https_response = http_response
    opener = urllib.request.build_opener(NoRedirection)
    req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers = {
        'Authorization' :f'Token {githubToken}'
    with as response:
        print(response.code, response.headers["Location"])

