UPDATE01: The cleaned Up code - Zip download was removed and current issue is that the 'Copy' command gets executed before 'unzip' is completed; resulting in a copy of an empty folder over to the destination folder. when running as an .app but when running as a script in AppleScriptEditor.. it runs fine :/
property DownloadsFolder : path to downloads folder
property appSupport : path to application support from user domain
property ZIPName : "ResourcesOffline.zip" -- downloaded ZIP file
property AppName : "MyApp" -- name of App in Application Support
property ExtractedFolderName : "MyContent" -- name for folder in Downloads where ZIP is saved
property ExtractedFolderPath : ((DownloadsFolder as text) & ExtractedFolderName & ":")
property DataFolder : ":UserBottle:FFApp:D_C:PData:LP:App:Data"
-- inform user of process --
display dialog "
Before running this App, please be sure you have downloaded the 'ResourcesOffline.zip', and it is in your 'Downloads' Folder.
Press [OK] when you are ready to start.
" buttons {"Ok"}
-- Set up DSResources folders in Downloads and User's Bottle --
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of (POSIX path of ExtractedFolderPath) & space & quoted form of POSIX path of {(appSupport as text) & AppName & (DataFolder as text) & ":DSResources"}
display dialog "Check! Directories in Downloads and Data" buttons {"Ok"}
-- Extract to the folder created in Downloads --
do shell script "unzip -u " & quoted form of POSIX path of ((DownloadsFolder as text) & ZIPName) & " -d " & quoted form of POSIX path of ExtractedFolderPath
on error
display dialog "
Process failed.
Could not find 'ResourcesOffline.zip' in 'Downloads' folder.
Please be sure that the file exists in the specified location.
" buttons {"Quit"} with icon 0
if button returned of the result is "Quit" then error number -128
end try
display dialog "Check! UnZipped in MyContent" buttons {"Ok"}
-- Copy items to the folder created in Application Support --
tell application "Finder"
set SourceFolder to folder (ExtractedFolderPath as text)
set DestinationFolder to folder ((appSupport as text) & AppName & (DataFolder as text))
duplicate (entire contents of first folder of SourceFolder) to DestinationFolder with replacing
display dialog "
All content was copied successfully. Thank you!
" buttons {"Ok"}
end tell
display dialog "Check! All done - About to Delete TEMP Extracted files" buttons {"Ok"}
do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of POSIX path of ExtractedFolderPath
I am new to scripting, in general. Carry a basic understanding, but not much of a programmer.
I am trying to write an AppleScript script to do the following:
Up till here all works fine; however from this point onwards I am struggling
PS - I am new to coding; so a lot of things in this code may seem 'senseless'; but I am trying so please bare with me. I have gone through a lot of forums to derive what I have but Gods of coding aren't happy with me… I am having issues trying to make all this work; this is the script I have till now:
set newFolderPath to quoted form of (expandPath("~/Downloads/MYCONTENT"))
set cmdStr to "if [[ ! -d " & newFolderPath & " ]]; then
mkdir -m 755 " & newFolderPath & "; fi"
do shell script cmdStr
on expandPath(pPathStr)
local fullPath
set fullPath to pPathStr
if fullPath = "~" then
set fullPath to (POSIX path of (path to home folder))
else if fullPath starts with "~/" then
set fullPath to (POSIX path of (path to home folder)) & text 3 thru -1 of fullPath
end if
return fullPath
end expandPath
-- Download --
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "curl -L -o ~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/SOME_RESOURCES.ZIP 'https://MyWebsite.com/Stuff/DownloadableContent/SOME_RESOURCES.ZIP' > ~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/status 2>&1 &"
set fileSize to 0
set curTransferred to 0
set curProgress to 0
repeat until curProgress = "100"
set lastLine to paragraph -1 of (do shell script "cat ~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/status")
set curProgress to word 1 of lastLine
set fileSize to word 2 of lastLine
set curTransferred to word 4 of lastLine
tell me
display dialog "Downloading; Please wait, this will take a while.
Status: " & curTransferred & " of " & fileSize & " (" & curProgress & "%)" buttons {"Refresh", "cancel"} giving up after 5
if the button returned of the result is "cancel" then return
end tell
on error
display dialog "Download failed. To restart the download, please press the 'Retry' button" buttons {"Quit", "Retry"} with icon 0
end try
end repeat
set theDialogText to "Download is complete. Press [OK] to continue"
display dialog theDialogText
-- Extract --
do shell script "unzip -u ~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/SOME_RESOURCES.ZIP -d ~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/"
do shell script "/bin/sleep 10"
-- Copy --
set DownloadFolder to "~/Downloads/MYCONTENT/RESOURCES/"
set DestinationFolder to "~/Library/Application Support/MYAPPLICATION/RESOURCES/"
copy every file of folder (DownloadFolder's entire contents) to folder DestinationFolder
set theDialogText to "All content has been copied. Thank you!"
display dialog theDialogText
end tell
Your outline and script example are a bit different, so I went with the outline:
There are a few ways to do a progress bar or download status using some AppleScriptObjC, but for better control those should probably be done from an application.
The main problems with your script are that the Finder does not understand POSIX paths, and you missed creating the folder structure in Application Support. There are standard commands to get paths to the various system folders, so string manipulations aren't needed to get the script to work on other machines. In the following script, I keep track of the regular HFS paths, just coercing them to POSIX for the shell scripts, and added properties for the various names so they are in one spot.
property downLoads : path to downloads folder
property appSupport : path to application support from user domain
property webResource : "SOME_RESOURCES.ZIP" -- name for the downloaded file
property myApp : "MYAPPLICATION" -- name for folder in Application Support (bundle identifier would be better)
property baseName : "MYCONTENT" -- name for folder in Downloads
property basePath : ((downLoads as text) & baseName & ":")
-- Set up folders in Downloads and Application Support as needed --
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of (POSIX path of basePath) & space & quoted form of POSIX path of ((appSupport as text) & myApp & ":Resources")
-- Download and progress - more error handling is needed --
do shell script "curl -L " & quoted form of (webPage & webResource) & " -o " & quoted form of POSIX path of (basePath & webResource) & " > " & quoted form of POSIX path of (basePath & "status") & " 2>&1 &"
set fileSize to 0
set curTransferred to 0
set curProgress to 0
repeat until curProgress = "100"
set lastLine to paragraph -1 of (do shell script "cat " & quoted form of POSIX path of (basePath & "status"))
set curProgress to word 1 of lastLine
set fileSize to word 2 of lastLine
set curTransferred to word 4 of lastLine
tell me
display dialog "Downloading; Please wait, this will take a while.
Status: " & curTransferred & " of " & fileSize & " (" & curProgress & "%)" buttons {"Refresh", "Cancel"} giving up after 1
if the button returned of the result is "Cancel" then return
end tell
on error
display dialog "Download failed. To restart the download, please press the 'Retry' button" buttons {"Quit", "Retry"} with icon 0
if button returned of the result is "Quit" then error number -128
end try
end repeat
display dialog "Download is complete. Press [OK] to continue"
-- Extract to the folder created in Downloads --
do shell script "unzip -u " & quoted form of POSIX path of (basePath & webResource) & " -d " & quoted form of POSIX path of basePath -- Main Folder > Sub Folder > text file
-- Copy items to the folder created in Application Support --
tell application "Finder"
set downLoadFolder to folder basePath
set DestinationFolder to folder ((appSupport as text) & myApp & ":Resources")
duplicate (entire contents of first folder of downLoadFolder) to DestinationFolder with replacing -- contents of "Main Folder" -- 'duplicate' is the command to use for files
display dialog "All content has been copied. Thank you!"
end tell
Change the placeholder items in the properties as needed - Note that the shell scripts and web file names are case sensitive.