I've got a bash script I use to create a ngrok tunnel, then I use dweet.io to post the tunnel address & port.
If that's meaningless to you, don't worry, essentially I'm using wget --post-data
to post a string to an address.
This bash script is auto-started with a cron job.
while true
#Gets the internal IP
IP="$(hostname -I)"
#Gets the external IP
EXTERNALIP="$(curl -s https://canihazip.com/s )"
echo "Dweeting IP... "
TUNNEL="$(curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels)"
echo "${TUNNEL}" > tunnel_info.json
#Gets the tunnel's address and port
TUNNEL_TCP=$(grep -Po 'tcp:\/\/[^"]+' ./tunnel_info.json )
#Pushes all this information to dweet.io
wget -q --post-data="tunnel=${TUNNEL_TCP}&internal_ip=${IP}&external_ip=${EXTERNALIP}" http://dweet.io/dweet/for/${dweet_id_tunnel}
sleep $tunnel_delay
This works, however, the directory I start the script from gets spammed with files named
These contain the HTTP response from the wget --post-data
from dweet.io.
As this script runs regularly, it's rather annoying to have a folder filled with thousands of these responses. I'm not sure why they're even made because I added the -q argument to wget, which should suppress responses.
Any idea what I need to change to stop these files being created?
fetches the response and saves it to a file; that's what it does. If you don't want that, add -O /dev/null
, or switch to curl
which seems to be more familiar to you anyway, as well as more versatile.
The -q
option turns off reporting, not downloading (i.e. progress messages etc, similar to curl -s